Art in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan.

Japanese and 3 pax from California, March 2023

There are a lot of art galleries in Ginza, Tokyo. Just wandering is great fun but if you think about small art investment in memory of Japan travel, you may enjoy personal events of art auction.
This is from our network where we could get a piece of Banksy by happen with another investors participated.

here in Tokyo, you have many restaurants, art gelleries, Sumo stables, Japanese calligrafy by prime minister award winner, etc,,so many! Maybe you stay not only in Tokyo but Yokohama just 20 miles from Tokyo, to have clever options, like not staying at Beverly Hills, but staying in Santa Monica.You will find another Tokyo as well as Tokyo suburban experiences.


  1. 東北復興へ、富裕層インバウンドの拡充も重要なポイント

  2. 欧米豪富裕層に向けたチャーター機によるフライトツーリズムの可能性

  3. 第1回 自治体/官公庁/観光局向け富裕層インバウンドセミナー「訪日富裕層旅客新規獲得戦略の要諦とは?」

  4. 見るクールジャパン

  5. 超富裕層向け宿泊施設支援型コンシェルジュサービス「GOYOH」を発表

  6. 札幌で前例のない富裕層向けマンションを東急不動産が建設中