Tsuruga, Fukui, Japan where Jewish refugees arrived in 1940 from Lituania.

2 pax, from Washington D.C, U.S, June 2022.

We, Jewish people, must not forget ex-Japanese diplomat in Lituania name Chiune Sempo Sugihara who rescued over 2,000 Jewish families when he was in diplomatic service in Europe aound 1939 to issue ‘ Visas for Life’.

Those who got visas ran away from Europe to China, U.S, by way of all through Siberia, Vladivostok, finally to Tsuruga, Japan. Now we have museum named Port of Humanity in Tsuruga, with many photos and panels introducing facts and histories.
All Jewish people including survivors’ family and decsendants have to once come here to feel the real story of holocaust rescuer.


  1. 銀座小十

  2. 和食でのマナー

  3. 四季の移ろいを表現する和食

  4. 富裕層インバウンドはソーシャルインパクトボンドを徹底活用する

  5. 欧米豪の富裕層マーケットが日本のスノーリゾートを救う

  6. 米TOMが富裕層向け高級伝統工芸品などを扱う越境ECの物流をサポート