Leading a dual life in Japan!

Dual Life Research Institute provides multifaceted support for our clients to introduce dual life. Please contact us with your current information, such as the reasons for wanting to live in two places, the countries and regions you are interested in, etc. We are always available to provide advice on selecting and purchasing real estate, consulting on the surrounding environment, how to think about bank accounts and insurance, lifestyle management after dual life, etc.

In particular, remote work/remote life has become the norm since the coronavirus pandemic, and there are also many families considering dual life, where they seek both a local life and an urban life, or living in two places in Japan and neighboring countries such as Thailand and Taiwan, so we hope you will consider using us as a helper to lead a diverse, happy and satisfying life.


  1. 北海道苫小牧市で海外富裕層向け滞在型リゾート開発が開始

  2. Tsuruga, Fukui, Japan where Jewish refugees arrived in 1940 from Lituania.

  3. 高付加価値富裕層旅行開発の3つのヒント

  4. 海外富裕層の間で日本酒がステータスに

  5. 超富裕層向け宿泊施設支援型コンシェルジュサービス「GOYOH」を発表

  6. ホンモノの”日本”が息づく古都、「奈良」