Living in Tokyo!

When it comes to starting living in Japan, you have to think about living in Tokyo at first, especially we have many Michelin Star restaurants, historical places and proceed night time economy business model here in Tokyo.

As we are lifestyle management company, we have many relations with real estate companies both for rents and buying, so that we can coordinate inspections tour for leading a dual life between Tokyo and your hometown.
Recently, Tokyo Convention and Visitors Bureau and Tokyo Metropolitan Government started to survey the business model for foreign high net worth people coming to Tokyo, which will bring Tokyo more and more guests.


  1. Hinode, clam experiences, Kuwana, Japan.

  2. 62%が富裕層戦略の必要性を認識 成功への第一歩は富裕層の正しい理解

  3. 東京五輪にむけて都市の景観は変わるか~無電柱化への取り組み~

  4. 兵庫県 豪華客船の入港に合わせて客船フェスタを開催

  5. 富裕層向けラグジュアリークルーズ、金沢港へ

  6. 大谷山荘

    湯治モダン 別邸「音信」 ~大谷山荘~