Time Travel ‘Virtual Sempo To Go’

Because we are now in the Covid-19 pandemic period, we started a campaign named Virtual Sempo To Go in collaboration with EC infrastructure ‘Shopify’, which constitutes of both Sempo Passport signed directly by Sugihara family now and online guide of Chiune Sugihara Sempo Museum in Tokyo, surely by Sugihara family.

Virtual Sempo To Go has been one of the ethical products for those who love Sempo’s activities in those days. If you are interested in, please go to this website to get highly memorable experiences, not only for Jewish people but for Japanese who admire Sempo’s history.

In the post Pandemic period, let us meet in Tokyo directly to have more memorable experiences with Sempo’s family, which never fail to be hidden jems to you all.
Regarding travels dedicated to Sempo, please see here.


  1. 富裕層旅行客の「温泉」ニーズが高まる今が富裕層向けPRの好機!

  2. 世界の富裕層に向けた繊維王国福井県の取り組みとは?

  3. 高付加価値富裕層旅行開発の3つのヒント

  4. 加森観光と新生銀、ルスツのコンドミニアムを対象に外国人向けローンを展開

  5. かんだ

  6. 銀座小十