Houraiken HQ, eel kabayaki, Nagoya, Japan.

From Korea, family travel, 6 pax, Aug, 2024.

Eel kabayaki at Horaiken HQ in Nagoya,Japan, pretty near from Atsuta Jingu Shrine where one of the treasures of Imperial family has been, named Sword of Kusanagi.

For over 300 years, they have been regarded as the best eel kabayaki restaurant because they have long presented their eel kabayaki to the imperial family when some event is at Atsuta Jingu.
When you will be in Nagoya, this is no doubt must-go place.

Beyond that they arranged some activities like Ghibli-Park for my kids followed by expalining the peronal history of Studio Ghibli by CEO as well as another Japanese anime movers and shakers about Kadokawa publishing.
Looking forward to coming to Japan again in the near future to have another experience hopofully in Hokkaido or Nagano to go skiing!


  1. 和食

  2. リンガーハットグループが富裕層向け長崎コース料理店を銀座にオープン

  3. 東京・大阪のホテル海外富裕層の増加で客室単価が上昇

  4. 京都企業が、はめ込み式組み立て和室を開発

  5. Leading a dual life in Japan!

  6. 世界最大規模の家具見本市「ミラノ・サローネ2018」に津軽塗が出展