Hinode, clam experiences, Kuwana, Japan.

From Taiwan, small groups of 10 friends,
The best clam in Japan!

Not only baking, steaming but frying! Unbelievable!

Along the old national road of the famous post town near Ise shrine, you can experience best clam of the best. This is the so-called local gastronomy with exceptionally natural clams and old related songs.

They arranged rare Japanese garden viewing owend by local HNWIs by making use of personal networks as well as Ise Shrine with perfect historical transration. See you again!

It is quite near from Ise Shrine as well as Japanese best beef Wagyu, Matsusaka, you never miss those as well.



  1. 見るクールジャパン

  2. 北海道苫小牧市で海外富裕層向け滞在型リゾート開発が開始

  3. まとうクールジャパン

  4. 1泊50万円以上支払える海外富裕層をいかに取り込むかが富裕層インバウンドの肝

  5. 世界的な錦鯉ブームで関連企業に活況

  6. 富裕層インバウンド向けの体験型アクティビティが増加