Living in Okinawa!

Okinawa is located in the most southern part of Japan, quite near from Taiwan (less than 1 hour flight) and it takes 2.5 hours from Tokyo to arrive at Okinawa,still close!!

Okinawa is famous for many isolated islands with beautiful ocean, so that there coming luxury hotel brands in Okinawa!

On the other hand, if you are living a mountaneous site or colder area, Okinawa should be one of the options to lead a dual life. As we are lifestyle management company, we have many relations with real estate companies both for rents and buying, so that we can coordinate inspections tour for leading a dual life between Okinawa and your hometown.


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  2. 福岡で要人や富裕層誘致への機運到来、外資系高級ホテル誘致に向けたセミナーを開催

  3. デジタルガレージ、全日空商事と協業でインバウンドマーケティング支援

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  5. 東京・大阪のホテル海外富裕層の増加で客室単価が上昇

  6. インドの関係者ら来県・視察沖縄で富裕層向けのリゾートウエディングを提案