Mt.Fuji – Sacred place and Source of artistic inspiration, Fujinomiya city, Shizuoka, Japan

Japanese and Chinese livin in Japan, 3 pax, Jan, 2022

Such a beautiful views of Mt.Fuji!
We had a chance to go to Fujinomiya city and nearby including Miho no Matsubara, one of the world helitage of Mt.Fuji area.
From every place we go, we completely enjoy the views and natural wonders in the morning, daytime,and in the night as well, to feel chaging views of Mt.Fuji.

Even if we had a chance to see Diamond Fuji in the morning, you may or may not have, but you can feel the power of Mt.Fuji anytime from around here.

There are many places to see Mt.Fuji, but this is one of the best. Do in Mt.Fuji, as the local do.


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