Living in Okinawa!

Okinawa is located in the most southern part of Japan, quite near from Taiwan (less than 1 hour flight) and it takes 2.5 hours from Tokyo to arrive at Okinawa,still close!!

Okinawa is famous for many isolated islands with beautiful ocean, so that there coming luxury hotel brands in Okinawa!

On the other hand, if you are living a mountaneous site or colder area, Okinawa should be one of the options to lead a dual life. As we are lifestyle management company, we have many relations with real estate companies both for rents and buying, so that we can coordinate inspections tour for leading a dual life between Okinawa and your hometown.


  1. シニア層や富裕層の「コト消費」がレベルアップ

  2. 大谷山荘

    湯治モダン 別邸「音信」 ~大谷山荘~

  3. 自治体国際化協会

  4. 日本経済のカギは国外の超富裕層たち

  5. 南紀白浜空港の民営化をうけて国内外の富裕層呼び込みを加速

  6. 62%が富裕層戦略の必要性を認識 成功への第一歩は富裕層の正しい理解